at 6:30pm
Wednesdays during school year!
See Diane Chelette for more information!
Sunday School 
10:00 AM
Meet with a small group of peers with the purpose of discipleship and teaching with solid Biblical principles that informs minds and transforms lives.
All ages welcome!
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Mondays at 7:00 AM
Enjoy breakfast and be encouraged in Christ, challenged to be faithful, and intercede in prayer for our church and community.
Ladies’ Fellowship
Every 2nd Tuesday at 10:00 AM
All ages welcome to join us for a game of “chicken foot” and a meal as we discuss our community and determine ways to help.
Young at Heart
Every Last Tuesday at 10:30 AM
Once you pass 50, the fun has just begun! Whether, retired, just plain tired, or active as every, you are invited to join us for a meal, fellowship, and valuable interaction.